Termux - The Ultimate Linux Terminal Emulator for Android

Termux - The Ultimate Linux Terminal Emulator for Android

1. Terminal Emulator:

Termux provides users with a robust terminal emulator, essentially transforming their Android devices into powerful Linux terminals. This means users can execute commands, navigate directories, and interact with the Linux shell just as they would on a traditional Linux system. The terminal emulator interface is user-friendly, offering features like tabbed browsing and customizable color schemes for enhanced usability.

2. Package Management:

Termux offers a package management system akin to those found on Linux distributions such as Debian-based systems. This system, often compared to apt for its familiarity, allows users to easily install, update, and remove software packages using straightforward package management commands. The vast repository of available packages ensures users have access to a wide range of tools and utilities to customize their Termux environment according to their needs.

3. Linux Environment:

One of the standout features of Termux is its ability to create a complete Linux environment on Android devices. This environment grants users access to a plethora of Linux tools and utilities, including popular programming languages like Python, Ruby, and Node.js, versatile text editors such as Vim and Nano, version control systems like Git, networking tools, and much more. Essentially, Termux brings the power and versatility of a Linux operating system to the palm of your hand.

4. Customization:

Termux prioritizes user customization, allowing individuals to tailor their Termux environment to suit their preferences and workflow. Users can install additional packages from the repository to expand functionality, configure settings to optimize performance, and customize the terminal appearance by installing themes and tweaking color schemes. Furthermore, users can set up aliases for frequently used commands, enhancing productivity and efficiency.

5. Scripting and Automation:

Termux empowers users to automate tasks and perform complex operations directly from their Android devices through scripting. Users can create and execute shell scripts, allowing for seamless automation of repetitive tasks and streamlined workflows. This functionality is particularly valuable for developers, sysadmins, and individuals who need to perform tasks on the go, enabling efficient management of tasks and projects from the convenience of their mobile devices.

6. Security:

While Termux provides a powerful Linux environment, it operates within the confines of the Android security model. This means that Termux cannot access system files or modify the underlying Android OS without root access. This inherent security ensures that users can leverage the capabilities of Termux without compromising the integrity of their Android devices, providing peace of mind in terms of data security and privacy.

7. Community and Support:

Termux boasts a vibrant community of users and developers who actively contribute to its ecosystem by creating and sharing packages, scripts, and tutorials. This community-driven approach fosters collaboration, innovation, and knowledge-sharing, ensuring that users have access to a wealth of resources and support. Users can seek assistance, share insights, and engage with like-minded individuals through online forums, social media groups, and comprehensive documentation resources, enriching the Termux experience.

In conclusion, Termux is a versatile and convenient tool that empowers users to leverage the power of Linux on their Android devices. Whether for development, learning, or everyday tasks, Termux provides a comprehensive Linux environment with robust features, customization options, and a supportive community, making it an invaluable asset for users seeking to enhance their mobile computing experience.

The Linux Terminal Emulator for Android

Termux packages are built using Ubuntu 16.10, so this means that developers can compile any existing software from their machine and then add it to the package manager for anyone to download. It is a very simple and elegant solution to what otherwise could be a complex and difficult problem. One amazing side affect of this is that once the software is compiled, you have full fledged versions of the software rather than half-baked, ported versions of desktop Linux packages.

For example, I use the command line on my Mac as I prefer to have my hands on the keyboard 90% of the time. I therefore use keyboard shortcuts and terminal applications to get most of my work done. I prefer to use Vim as it's an amazing text editor and has plugins for nearly everything including Microsoft .NET! I have various plugins that I use daily and I've tried some of these with Vim installed in Termux - with great success. Everything I tried works exactly as I expected. One of my favorite plugins is CtrlP, a powerful file finder, which worked beautifully in Vim on Termux.

Termux gives you a bash terminal by default, but if you are like me and prefer Zsh for its advanced features, FISH shell is also available. Multiple different shell types is certainly welcome.

Anyone that has used a terminal emulator application on Android knows the pain when you need to enter special keys to control the terminal such as CTRL or ESC. These keys aren't displayed on the standard touch keyboards used on android devices (save for Hacker Keyboard). Termux developer Fredrik Fornwall, though, has a very novel solution to this. He has bound CTRL to the Volume DOWN key and other special keys like ESC to the Volume UP key. Therefore, by pressing Volume Up + the touch keyboard 'L' you can input the terminal command CTRL + 'L' which clears the terminal window. The ESC key is sent by pressing volume UP + 'E' key for example. You can view all the keys available in Termux on the developer's website.

I also use SSH in Termux to connect to my personal VPS servers. Although there exist other Android applications such as JuiceSSH and ConnectBot, having a proper SSH connection via OpenSSH in a proper terminal environment is better in my opinion. Termux enables you to create multiple sessions so I can have my server connections on one session and my local environment on another session.

If you like to develop in the terminal, Termux has you covered there as well. I installed python on my phone with Termux's package manager and was writing python code exactly the same as I would on my remote server.

What something slightly heavier, such as developing with NodeJS? Termux has support for NodeJS as well, and it goes even further by supporting popular stacks such as Express. I was able to install a full NodeJS/Express/Bootstrap environment and host a simple website on my device.

I was also able to install and use Ruby as well, however I did run into problems when I was initially installing Rails. Fortunately, I was able to get Rails running on my device with the help of the Termux Google+ community which is very active and a great source of help if you get stuck. To put it bluntly I am extremely impressed with Termux and its package management system. It provides an amazing package list that is constantly growing; I haven't missed any packages that I use daily so far. I did however notice that the popular SCREEN terminal multiplexer was not available but the alternative (and in my opinion better) TMUX is available.

The device that I tested all of this on is not a flagship phone, either. I am using my Xiaomi Mi Max with 4GBs of RAM and a Snapdragon 650 SoC, along with an Apple Bluetooth keyboard. The main reason I am using this phone is because the Xiaomi Mi Max has a 6.44" screen, giving me a decent real estate to work with. With the setup shown above I can comfortably do some serious work on the go.

The most amazing thing about Termux is that it is completely free - there are no in-app purchases or advertisements. Although, you can purchase some of the add-ons which have a small fee, to support the developer and improve upon the already-impressive functionality of Termux. The addons so far include:

  • Termux:Task - Integrating Termux with Tasker

  • Termux:API - Allows Termux to integrate with existing Android APIs (such as reading your SMS messages in the terminal)

  • Termux:Widget - Execute Termux scripts from the home screen

  • Termux:Styling - Customize the appearance of Termux

  • Termux:Float - Allows a floating Termux window

Termux is now a permanent installation on all of my Android devices; it allows me to have a fully functional terminal and development environment on my local device. I spend a lot of time developing on remote servers, but sometimes you are in a situation where you cannot connect to a server. Recently, I took a trip to New Zealand which involved an 11 hour flight there and back. If I had Termux installed at that time, my flights could have become a 22 hour-in-total coding session.